Monday, July 20, 2009

Sandon is 22 months old!

Sandon turned 22 months on 19th July!!!! Actually same day as my niece's birthday!!! Two months until he turns 2 years old! Our baby boy is getting so big and so adorable as usual!!!

I finally figured out what "a ba" means. Other day walking on the street Sandon saw bunch of birds so he ran to them yelling "a ba", "a ba", "a ba"... So I thought there you go. It is "a bird"!!!!

Yesterday we went for a walk to the beach and Sandon saw dogs and said "a ba". So I am finally quite confused again what "a ba" means. LOL I believe both birds and dogs for now.

Our favorite thing to do now is slam doors of cabinets and everything that can get slammed and make a very loud sound. Few times maybe fun, but when hearing it all over again gets really on my nerves. Sandon was always a very handful child, but now it is getting even harder to look after him. Like yesterday he tried to take a huge vase from the shelf. Sigh.... There is never can be any books or just anything pretty much out of his reach... All of the things will eventually end up on the floor. Sometimes I wonder what is the point to clean my condo anyway? LOL

When he does something wrong, I try to stop him by saying "No", or "Nelzya". If he sees me being upset with him, Sandon lays down on the floor, put one of his ear to the floor and lays down like this. I don't even know why he does that. When he sees that I am fine. He gets up and goes to play. This is just really weird. :)

Couple days ago after changing Sandon, I went to throw his dirty diaper to garbage can that we have in the toilet and didn't find it. I remembered that there were quite few diapers in there that needed to be taken out. So I was puzzled where everything went and started to think that perhaps I am having an early stage of Alzheimer's and just misplaced that darn can. Then I turned around to see that garbage can is in the bath tub empty. Mmmmkay.... little boy put it in there, but where are the diapers? Well, again our favorite toilet got my attention. I opened up the lid and saw all the diapers along with toilet paper and Sandon's balls and toys in there. And again... it was quite "fun" to take everything out. Sandon for his own good disappeared somewhere inside apartment while I was taking everything out of the toilet.

All of the above really makes me think WHAT future holds for us!!! LOL


Olga K. said...

This post made my day :) Its so great to read about Sandons adventures, and his facination with the toilet is unique :) Dont worry he should grow out of it. When my brother was his age, he threatened to put actually people in the toilet and make"kaka" on their I guess diapers and toys arent that bad after all :)
He is a sweetheart, enjoy him before he grows out of it :)
And oh ya, dont forget to speak Russian with him :)