Friday, July 13, 2007

Our Little Baby moves!!!

So..... our baby moves... I know this isn't real news but you should really be here to see HOW he moves. Yesterday I sat in a chair and decided to watch his movements. I am really so curious what exactly he is doing. Imagine my belly and that one side is so much bigger than the other. That's how our baby wants lay all the time. I start to wonder is it his head, his butt, or he is pushing his leg or hand? This is a big mystery for me. Then my belly starts to move back and forth... right and left... from one side to another. It makes me laugh and so happy. Sometimes I am thinking that he is everywhere, all over the inside of me. I read somewhere that it is good to sleep on the left side, so you won't have cramps and blood will circulate better through your veins. However, guess what? I can't sleep on that side. Every time I try to sleep on it, baby somehow gets on that side and start kicking me, but when I turn around on right side and sleep there... He is completely fine. I always wonder why? Is it like his special place where he rests and when I sleep on that side, I make him uncomfortable? Too cute...:) I can't wait to hold him.


AZZITIZZ said...

I used to sit and hold a drink on my bump then watch baby kick it and cause ripples in the liquids surface, it's a fascinating time, enjoy!