Sunday, July 12, 2009

How To Know That You Are About To Deliver

First of all get it out of your head that delivery hurts! It doesn't!!! It amuses me to see on TV how mommies to be push and scream and say "I cannot anymore!":) Yes, you can... We all can!!!!

My mom went to get something to drink and my doc was away checking another girl who was about to deliver. I was pretty much alone in the room and felt such a strong enormous feeling to push. It is the same way when you want to go to do Number 2, but so much stronger. In about 10 seconds I had again that feeling and I had my waters #2 to break down. I called everyone out there and said "I am about to deliver!" I got on the scary looking chair, made myself comfy.... my doc and her assistant took their time to make sure everything is sterilized and ready to roll... LOL I wasn't scared at all.... I was relieved that I don't have those contractions anymore and everything that my body wants to do is TO PUSH! Then I was like mmmkay what do I need to do? My doctor told me that I should push when I feel like pushing. I was like I want to push like NOW! She said GO! It really actually felt good to push and you gotta push really hard, without feeling sorry for yourself. I literally felt that my veins on the forehead got all big. All I was thinking is getting Sandon out as soon as possible. (The longer you deliver the less oxygen baby has and he can easily suffocate) My doc said she sees the head. Yay, we have a head! LOL In about 5 seconds I wanted to push again. She told me go for it..... Then she was like okay now you gotta stop pushing because he has wide shoulders and he will rip you if you won't stop. But..... I couldn't stop it was beyond my ability.... My body just wanted to get Sandon out. Well, Sandon was out and he ripped me off 4 internal and 5 external stitches. Not too bad though. I didn't care... He was completely healthy, 10 toes, 10 fingers pinkish looking baby boy, all covered in some goop lol. Oh My.... it felt soooooo good. No contractions, no pushing.... just relaxation and my baby boy getting some breast milk. My doctor said that she was amazed how easy everything went and that she was proud I handled everything the way I did, since Sandon was my first baby. It took me 2 weeks of not being able to sit at all because of stitches, but it all worth it. I can take any pain as long as my baby boy is fine.


Olga K. said...

Wow, such an amazing post. So honest, and so full of love. I remember us visiting you a while after you delivered, and I remember you not being able to sit down, and you were in a lot of pain, but you face was just beaming with joy as you talked about Sandon. :) I am so proud of you and I look up to you so much!

Love For Child said...

Thank you so much Sweetie! It means a lot! And yeah, though my stitches were taken after two weeks. Everything was still healing for about 2 months. LOL :)