Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It's A BOY!!!!

I just had my usual ultrasound check up because we wanted to know for sure whether it is a boy or a girl. AND drumroll please... we are having a baby boy for sure!!! We are both very excited and happy! I had to make two ultrasounds in order to determine his sex. The first time our baby just didn't want to show us, crossed his legs, like he was resting. He probably was thinking, "What do you want from me? I am just laying here and looking all white and fuzzy." LOL!!! Then couple hours later I went for another ultrasound and this time our sweet little baby just couldn't get enough of showing everything.LOL! It was really cute. I saw his heart beating, it was so sweet. His heart rate is 137, which is very good. Everything is perfectly in order and all is well. We are so happy and now we just have to wait for another 11 weeks and we will hold our son. Each day I am getting less and less scared of the labor. I know that everything is going to be just fine. Why? Simple, because I want it be fine. I always get what I want and how I want, sooner or later.:)

Our Son's name is Sandon Alexandre. We wanted something unusual and handsome sounding and after going through many, many names we went there it is. It is so unusual for me to say SON. It is still so unbelievable to me that I am having a baby growing inside me. It is unbelievable to see through ultrasounds his legs, tummy, head, hands and what he is doing in there. I must say he doesn't like when a doctor was pushing ultrasound thingy on my tummy, however he is a very brave and very strong boy.

Sigh... I am so happy. I am going to post pictures of him very soon. :)

AND... I can now start shopping for everything BLUE!!! Awwww, he is going to be the most cutest boy in entire world!!! LOL!


AZZITIZZ said...

I'm almost as excited as you two, can't wait to see the pics.

Amel said...


I LOVE this blog and the info you give about pregnancy. I don't have any kids yet but someday I want to have some he he...

I LOVE the way you put the USG pics, too. Simply AMAZING!!! I've followed through a close friend's pregnancy. Her son's now almost 2 years old and I still CAN'T believe that he was once in her womb and that he's now SO big he he he...

I'm HAPPY for you!!! ;-D Have a smooth labour later on!!!